Install WordPress | How To Install WordPress Manually

This article describes how to manually install WordPress on your Indsoft Systems Hosting account.

Table of Contents


WordPress is compatible with all Indsoft Systems Hosting accounts, and the installation process is straightforward.

To install WordPress manually, follow these steps:
  1. Download the WordPress installation .zip file at to your local computer.
  2. Extract the .zip file on your computer.
  3. Use FTP to upload the contents of the extracted wordpress directory to the public_html directory of your A2 Hosting account.
  4. Use cPanel to create a MySQL database and database user for WordPress. You will need this information during the web configuration process.
  5. Use your web browser to go to the WordPress installation URL. The WordPress installation page appears.
  6. Click Create a Configuration File.
  7. Make sure that you have the required information for the database you created in step 4, and then click Let's go!
  8. In the Database Name text box, type the name of the database you created in step 4.
  9. In the User Name text box, type the name of the database user you created in step 4.
  10. he Password text box, type the password for the database user you created in step 4.
  11. In the Database Host text box, confirm that the value is set to localhost.
  12. In the Table Prefix text box, confirm that the value is set to wp_.
  13. Click Submit.
  14. If WordPress is able to connect to the database, click Run the install. Otherwise, check the settings you provided in steps 8 to 12, and then try again.
  15. Under Information needed, in the Site Title text box, type the name of your site. You can name the site anything you want.
  16. In the Username text box, type a username for the administrator.
  17. In the Password, twice text boxes, type a password for the administrator.
  18. In the Your E-mail text box, type the administrator's e-mail address.
  19. If you do not want search engines to index your site, clear the Allow search engines to index this site check box.
  20. Click Install WordPress.
  21. When WordPress completes the installation, the Success! page appears.
  22. Click Log In to log in to the site, and then use the username and password that you specified in steps 16 and 17.


For more information about WordPress, please visit